Cut Toddler Hair At Home | Wahl Clippers Haircut for Boys

One thing we know for sure – hair grows. When funds are tight, haircuts can add up. Why not take matters into your own hands and cut your toddlers hair at home with clippers, yourself. Don’t be afraid. You CAN do it.

cut toddler hair

If you’ve got a few kids, then you’re used to making multiple appointments. Doctor visits, dental appointments, vision, school conferences and HAIRCUTS. Why not help your budget (and your overloaded schedule) by eliminating one of those appointments?

Cut Your Toddler’s Hair At Home

Not a hairdresser? Not a problem. Now’s the time to be adventurous. After all, your toddler will hardly complain about a bad hairdo. They’re too busy being a two year old.

First, you’ll need the proper supplies.

I recommended the Wahl Color Pro Clipper Kit.

wohl pro clippers

I ordered this kit about three years ago, and it still works great. At the moment it retails for around $18.99.

Cutting hair at home WILL save you hundreds of dollars a year.

If you have boys, it’s going to be a lot easier to cut your toddler’s hair for a longer period of time. Simply because style wise most parents choose to cut their hair shorter. We’ve been using our clippers on our twin boys’ for three years now.

The kit comes with a bag of attachments. They’re color coded by length. Simply look on the box to match up the color with length. I usually use around 1″.

Test out different lengths to find the one that works for you. Just remember, you can start out longer and cut down later, but not vise versa.

Start with a longer length, and clip the entire head. Then snap on a shorter length and re-clip the bottom section. Or just cut the whole head the same shorter length. You’ll be DONE in no time.

cutting boy hair

My two year old daughter has short curly hair, and I’ll be trying hair cutting techniques at home for her soon. (More to come on that.)

Remember, this is going to be a messy task your first time around. The idea is to get past the fear and keep at it. Practice will improve your hair cutting skills. Luckily with toddlers, you’ve got time on your side. A few years at least (hopefully!) until they start wanting designer clothes and professional hair cuts.

For now, DIY by Mom (or Dad!) takes only about ten minutes of your time, in the comfort of your own home. Be sure to not rush it though. You’re holding a cutting device after all. Nicks can happen.

Be patient, purposeful and brave.

If you live in a climate that allows it, take your hair cutting outside. This makes clean up a breeze! If not, just find a room without a carpet, and grab a broom for quick cleanup. You might want to time your haircut right before bath, too. Those little hairs can drive a toddler hopping mad.



Best of luck with your haircuts! Above all, be patient and kind. Try to make it FUN! We want our tots to WANT to have their hair cut at home. Not run screaming when they hear the tell-tale buzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Practice makes perfect. Keep it up, and remember how much MONEY you’re saving with each and every haircut at home.


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