Finding Dory Birthday Party Ideas

Finding Dory Birthday Party

Finding Dory is the perfect birthday party theme, and the hottest new movie, this summer. Our twins turned five this June, and with “Finding Dory” out in theaters on June 17th 2016, fish were in abundance for our POOL party.

My kids have often heard me repeating the phrase, “just keep swimming“, as I move through life as a Mom of four. I couldn’t be more excited to see my favorite “Finding Nemo” character return to the screen in a movie all her own.

Blog posts are more fun with friends, and this time I get to share my love of Dory with others. Becca from Love Our Crazy Life invited me to participate in a month-long collab along with others. It’s an entire month of Finding Dory themed posts.

Ocean Water

After swimming in the pool on a ninety degree day, the kids were ready to re-hydrate. Toss a few Swedish Fish into some iced blue Gatorade and you have instant “Ocean Water”. Not a fan of Gatorade? Try some clear lime soda with blue food dye.

finding dory party drink

Whale Shaped Watermelon Bowl

Dory is friends with Bailey, a Beluga Whale, in the movie. Carving a whale into a watermelon is easier than you might think. I did this in under five minutes. Simply carve a bump for the head, and then the tail flipping up and over. Easy!

Finding Dory Fruit Bowl

Fish Bucket

I picked up this beach bucket at the Dollar Tree, along with some whale cheddar crackers and goldfish crackers. I stuffed the bucket with unbleached wax paper (to look like sand) and then the crackers. Made for a perfect pool side snack.

finding dory beach bucket

We also tossed some fishy tub toys around. I picked up a great blow up clown fish at my local Dollar Tree for the pool.


For more ideas and inspiration check out all the other Finding Dory Collab Participants. I couldn’t be more excited for this movie.

I’m an advocate for animal rights, with a special place in my heart for Orcas. SeaWorld Entertainment recently announced that they would be eliminating it’s Killer Whale breeding program. In addition they will be phasing out their theatrical programs featuring Orcas. This is a win to those of us in favor of humanely freeing them from captivity.

Killer Whales live in family units and each pod has their own unique communication method, or language. Several of the Killer Whales in captivity were captured from their pods at young ages, or separated from their birth mothers to be transferred to other Aquariums. As a mother myself, I feel these are especially barbaric acts against a species similar in intelligence to our own.

My hope is that Finding Dory will help raise awareness of marine life in captivity within Aquariums.



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