pumpkin carving with kids

NO CARVE Halloween Pumpkin with Wicked Fangs

Pumpkin Carving doesn’t come easy for me. But, this one I can do. It’s easy! You can too. WOW your family by carving wicked FANGS into your pumpkin, without actually carving them in, this Halloween. Your baby can even help – the seeds work fantastic in a sensory bin.

No Carve Halloween Pumpkin

When Halloween rolls around I start to daydream about having a pumpkin patch in my back yard. With four kids, it’d be fantastic to pop a big old farm table in the yard and let them go to down with pumpkin goo.

One year I’ll plant that pumpkin patch. But for now we head out to our local pumpkin patch and BUY a few. Then the carving begins, and it’s often not a pretty sight.

Until I discovered how to make our pumpkins professional looking, but using the discarded pieces after they were all cut up.

No Carve Pumpkin Fangs

Step 1: Cut out eyes and a wide mouth. Save the mouth piece that you cut out, you’ll need that for your fangs.

Step 2: Cut long, jagged triangular pieces out of your pumpkin mouth piece. Don’t worry, after it’s cut out you can cut it again to make your teeth fit into your pumpkins mouth.

pumpkin cross

Step 3: Insert toothpicks into your teeth and position into the top gum of your pumpkin mouth. Your teeth should be long and overlap the bottom gum to make them look really wicked.

halloween pumpkin carving tips

Depending on the size of your pumpkin you can add between six and ten teeth.

Be sure to add those pumpkin seeds to a clear bin for your toddler to play with as a Halloween sensory bin. It’ll help keep her occupied while you carve your pumpkin’s wicked teeth.

Nothing says Halloween liked carved pumpkins. But when you aren’t overly handy with a knife, or have multiple littles ones running around, you may not have the time to dedicate to carving intricate pumpkin designs.

By using toothpicks and the discarded cutouts of your pumpkin you can add sections that will make your pumpkin LOOK as if you spent hours carving it. That’s a MOM WIN right there.

Happy Halloween!

Video Tutorial No Carve Halloween Pumpkin Fangs



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