Every Sunday I make a BIG batch of Pancakes for my family. I decided to try my hand at the IHOP Buttermilk Pancakes Recipe. I made a few minor changes.
My IHOP Buttermilk Pancakes Recipe
I’ve got four little kids. They preferĀ beefier pancakes that they can stab their little forks into. For this reason I use extra flour in my recipe than most knock off recipes call for.
Additionally, I like to sneak vegetables into the kids’ food WHENEVER possible. My favorite sneak is BABY FOOD JARS. I pop open a sweet potato jar and dump it into the pancake batter and BOOM – Sweet Potato Pancakes. (The kids gobble them up just the same.)
In this case however, I skipped the baby food in order to stay true to the IHOP Pancakes Recipe.
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 egg
1 1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup oil (olive or vegetable)
touch of salt
These pancakes were light and fluffy. The kids enjoyed eating almost as much as helping me make them.
When my little ones help me in the kitchen I dump each ingredient into a 10 ounce mason jar. Sometimes I even measure the ingredients in it. They can see the clear 1 CUP marker. It’s easier to use the ONE CUP Measuring system when they are cooking with me. Plus there’s less cleanup.
It’s a Mason Jar use you wouldn’t expect.
When you have little kids, it can be tough to get out. Mix up a batch of these pancakes, and pretend you are at IHOP.