Red Cabbage Gender Prediction Test

Red Cabbage Gender Prediction Test

Boy or girl? Curious about the gender of your baby? Want a way to find out NOW from home? There’s a way. It’s the Red Cabbage Gender Prediction Test.

This test is an old wives tale, that consists of boiling a red cabbage and combining the liquid with your urine. If the color turns PINK/RED that means Boy. If the color turns PURPLE that means girl.

You can perform this test in your first trimester.

Even if it’s not 100% accurate, it’s definitely fun. My kids and I enjoyed it. Have fun with it, but I wouldn’t decorate a nursery based off this tests results. For the record, the test results were accurate for me. I had a girl.

Red Cabbage Gender Prediction Test Steps

Chop up a red cabbage into small chunks. Make sure its a RED cabbage, not a green one (that won’t work). Then dump the cabbage chunks into a pot of boiling water and simmer for about 10 minutes. You are only interested in the water, not the cabbage. Boil it long enough to get a good strong color going.

Old Wives Gender Prediction Tests

Strain the cabbage, saving the juice. You need the liquid for the test, not the cabbage. I poured mine into a mason jar and let it sit out a while to cool.

Red Cabbage Juice

Next you’ll need your urine. It’s time to pee in a cup.

Mix equal parts urine to red cabbage juice. Now, does it look purple or pink? Mine was definitely purple. According to the test, that means GIRL. If yours looks more red or pink, then that means BOY.

at home gender prediction test

How does this work?

According to my science textbooks, Red Cabbage contains a chemical that changes colors at different PH. That’s the extent of my knowledge. All I know is this is how my grandmother did it. She had 5 girls.



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