5 Ways to Save on Back To School Supplies

According to the National Retail Federation American families with children in grades K-12 will spend $673.57 on clothes, shoes, electronics and school supplies. That’s a lot of money for a family on a budget. Here are 5 ways to save money while shopping for back to school supplies for multiple children.

back to school supplies

If you have more than one child, back to school shopping might give you some serious sticker shock. It might even tempt you to pull out a credit card!

Of course the best scenario is to budget ahead of time for this time of year, and save throughout the year. But if it’s snuck up on you, there are some things you CAN do to keep costs low and not bust into your savings account.

5 Ways to Save on Back To School Supplies

For three children heading back to school, my husband and I spent a total of $250. That was $100 for clothes, $50 for backpacks and lunch boxes, $50 for school supplies, and $50 for shoes. Here’s how we shopped.

  1. Shop for designer clothes at Goodwill.

We have four kids, three of which are school aged. I hit up our local Goodwill for secondhand back to school outfits. Go it alone (leave the kiddos at home!) and spend time sifting through the racks looking at labels. Search for names you recognize. You want high quality, but at a fraction of the cost.

You can score some beautiful, barely worn back to school outfits (some with tags still on) if you shop every week to repeat your search.

Many families purchase, or are gifted, outfits that their children barely wear or grow out of before they have a chance to wear them. I’m shocked at how many practically new things I find by being willing to shop second-hand.

Shhhhhh… my kids don’t even know.

2. Purchase supplies at the Dollar Store.

Our local Dollar Store was an absolute mad house this August, so I know we weren’t alone in our quest to lower costs. Walmart and Target also have tons of pencils, glue sticks etc for really low prices.

You might even score a Target or Walmart school supplies coupon or two if you keep your eyes open while clipping grocery store coupons. My husband did!

3. Backpack Bargain Hunt

Many big name stores hold BIG sales on backpacks a few weeks before school starts. We used to order monogrammed bags from Lands End or L.L. Bean. Those are nice, don’t get me wrong… but unnecessary if it’s not in your budget.

Our kids seem to enjoy the character backpacks we bought at Target much better than those expensive monogrammed bags of our past. They prefer picking out new bags every year anyway, so who needs “built to last” quality. Not us!

4. BOGO your shoes!

Payless Shoes is notorious for “buy one, get one” sales. If you have multiple children, stalk shoe stores for these sales, and then pounce on them.

5. Ask Your Church for Help

Seriously. If you can’t afford anything at all, ask you Pastor for help from your congregation. Our church collected supplies throughout July. There are many organizations who donate.

If you aren’t in a good church, call the school and talk to them about your situation. Chances are they have received dozens of other calls just like yours, and know just where to point you to receive some help. There is no shame in asking for assistance.


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