simple flat cloth diaper folds

4 Simple Flat Cloth Diaper Folds

Flat diapers are the most budget friendly cloth diaper system available. In fact pretty much any burp cloth or receiving blanket can become a flat cloth diaper. The trick is to fold them into a diaper. Here are 4 simple flat cloth diaper folds, that just about anyone can do.

flat cloth diaper folds

We started cloth diapering to reduce costs. Flats were by FAR the most inexpensive diapers we bought. Don’t let them intimidate you. 

Keep in mind that each fold doesn’t need to be perfect. However you fold your flats, the important thing is that they fit snuggly, and are providing absorbancy where you need it.

When folding your flats, keep things in perspective. Cloth diapers are reusable. This means you have PLENTY of time to practice. The more times you change a diaper, the more times you’ll have to master folding your flats. It doesn’t need to look perfect the first time. You’ve taken the first step by being here. You got this!

4 Simple Flat Cloth Diaper Folds

  1. Trifold: The easiest by far is to fold your flat into thirds. After you fold it in thirds, simply lay it in a waterproof cover and secure. We used covers with snaps to make things quick and easy.

trifold flat fold

2. Triangle: Just as the name suggests. Fold your flat into a literal triangle. Then lay your baby on top with the point facing down. Use a snappi to secure.

triangle flat cloth diaper fold

triangle fold


3. Angel Wings: Fold your flat like a trifold. Then fan the back out like “angel wings”. You can fold the front down in front to adjust the rise.

cloth diaper folds

Angel Wings Fold

Attach your flat with your snappi from back to front.

4. Bikini Twist: To fold your flat into a bikini twist, simply TWIST the center section after folding it lengthwise into thirds. This creates greater absorbency in the center section if you have a girl. Try to flatten the center to make it comfortable for baby.

bikini twist

Using flats is a fantastic way to save money, and to save the environment. As a cloth diaper system they are the most budget friendly you can get. They wash up quickly, dry fast, and can be used as so many things. After you’re out of diapers you can repurpose your flats as cleaning rags.


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