Thrifty Things to Feel Rich

23 Thrifty Things to Feel Rich (Small Luxuries on a Budget)

True millionaires don’t necessarily spend tons of money. One of the ways they got rich in the first place, was by saving more than they spent. But, we all enjoy a little luxury from time to time. There are many small things your can do to feel rich, without busting your budget. Here’s 23 thrifty things to help you feel like a million bucks (on a budget!)

Small Luxuries to Fee Rich

When you’re trying to get out of debt, save money, cut expenses or just live frugally, it can get tiresome. We all need to feel a little bit of luxury from time to time. Making excuses and justifying buying stuff you can’t afford, is not okay, however. That’s why I’m sharing some affordable ways you can feel rich, while not breaking your budget.

23 Thrifty Ways to Feel Rich

Please Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The links in this post are for products I actually use and love, however I do receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you decide to purchase through them.

1. Donate Your Stuff

Purging stuff can feel liberating. If it’s something that no longer brings you joy or serves a purpose, it’s time to let someone else have it. There’s no greater feeling than dropping off bags of stuff at Goodwill, and driving home, only to forget what was even in those bags. A clutter free home, is a luxurious home. Try it!

2. Pens and Pencils

WOW does it feel nice to pick up a long pencil with it’s eraser intact and with a sharp point. My four kids often abuse our pencils, and the poor things are left broken and battered. A cup filled with perfect pencils makes me feel rich and refined. Hey, maybe it’s a fancy pen for you.

3. Tea or Coffee

I use a french coffee press to strain tea leaves from the water, before enjoying a nice cup of tea. The process of the french press is part of the fun. Growing up, we always had “tea time” after dinner, and I find it a calming way to end a meal. Morning coffee also makes me feel as if I’m on vacation. As if I’m at my leisure, just breathing in and out, in between sips. Ahhhh….

4. Candles

The soft glow of long stem candles on a dinner table. Nothing says elegance more than that. Turn your dining room into a fancy restaurant simply by dining by candlelight.

5. Turkish Robe

I admit I love my robe maybe more than I should. When I get home from work, I immediately take off my coat and trade it for my terry cloth robe. It helps me unwind and transition from work to home.

6. Boots

Once a year I splurge on high quality Ariat FatBaby Boots. They are super comfortable, and I wear them everywhere. Work, Church, School and to the Store. They have just the right amount of cool factor, combined with comfort and practicality. It doesn’t hurt a bit when the kids step on my toes.

7. Moving Furniture

Every quarter I slide our furniture around and rearrange everything. It makes me feel like we’re living in a NEW house. Seriously! I love the feeling a rearranged room gives me. The kids love it too. Not to mention the way it helps get the house super clean, and organized. That always feels good.

8. Towels

Thick fuzzy towels are grand, but especially so when they’re all the same color. White towels do it for me. Costco has super affordable towel options.

9. Roses

Fresh Flowers smell amazing and always give a space the look of luxury. I shop for roses at a local Produce discount store. I can get two dozen roses for under $10. Shop around your local markets and see what you can get.

10. Whale Sounds

I LOVE Orca’s. Yes, they’re technically dolphins. In my free time I’m often watching Killer Whale (Orca) documentaries or YouTube videos featuring Orca Pods in the wild. After I saw Blackfish, I became obsessed with them, and the movement to end Orca captivity. For some reason I enjoy whale sounds as a result. They relax me at night and it makes me feel like I’m on an island vacation.

Empty the Tanks

11. Kombucha

My drink of choice. A glass bottle of Kombucha, fermented green tea, makes me feel rich. Some say it’s pretty healthy too, because of its high probiotic content. Win-win.

12. Sushi

Typically if I’m drinking Kombucha, I’m eating Sushi (avacodo rolls). The two just go together, I think, and makes me feel like I’m on vacation. It’s a special treat.

13. Sunrise Jogs (or Walks)

Almost every morning I wake up super early to get outside and job before the sun rises. I jog (or walk) in the rain, snow, and fog. Towards the end of my job the sun rises, and it never gets old. It’s my morning mediation. My morning sunrise jogs give me time alone to think or listen to whatever I want. My day always go better after I’ve had this time to myself.

14. Coconut Oil Spray

Every day I spray a hydrating coconut oil spray into my hair to help with frizz, and the SMELL is amazing. It makes me smell like I just got back from the beach.

15. Scarves

As I age I have a greater appreciation for beautiful scarves. They cover my neck and make any outfit look fancier. Not to mention they keep me feeling warm and toasty all day long.

16. Oatmeal

On weekends I make oatmeal with plant based milk. Not the instant kind. Add some raisins, plus Vermont maple syrup, and it’s divine. YUMMY! I’m like Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

17. Podcasts

Information is so readily available these days, it’s ridiculous. More than ever we have access to learn pretty much anything. Lifelong learning is an amazing opportunity that I don’t take for granted. How lucky we are to be able to learn so much, for FREE! It’s a true luxury.

18. Moisturizer

I use a daily facial moisturizer, and it always makes me feel good. Simple Bath and Body Works lotions are nice, but pretty much anything that smells good to you. Who needs perfume when you can lotion up?

19. Clear Water Tumblers

Every day I try to drink at least 64 ounces of water, and putting it in a clear Contigo water cup always helps. Something about being able to see the water, helps me drink more, and makes it seem fancy.

20. Clean Car

I’m often driving around in a car filled with wrappers, cups and scribbled on papers. When the car gets cleaned out, vacuumed and washed, I feel like a million bucks.

21. Wood Burning Fireplace

A crackling fire is pure magic. Warm and glowing, it sets the mood.

22. Throw Blankets

Alpaca throw blankets are my jam. A living room isn’t “lived” in without a pile of warm inviting lap blankets. Who can relax or feel at peace without them? Seriously!

23. Budget

Listen, this is probably the most important thing on the list. If you want to feel RICH, like really rich, you’ve got to be budgeting. The reason why is if you have decided at the beginning of the month how much to spend on things, when you go to buy them, you’ll feel fully at ease buying that item (because you know you have the money for it.) What’s better than knowing you can afford to spend, because you’ve allocated money to?


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