Toy Organization for Small Spaces

My house is 100 years old, and its SMALL on storage space. Toys seem to come at me in my dreams. We have 4 young kids and they like to play. Rightly so!

Toy Organization Solution

The only problem is with toy clutter is that Mommy and Daddy don’t want to live in Toy Land 24/7. We need a toy storage solution for our small space. Something to hide the toys from view, but still make them accessible.

Toy Organization for Small Spaces

I had an old TV Armoire in our house that I had bought years ago for our big box Television. The obsolete kind. Flat screen televisions have made these furniture beasts unnecessary. This means you can possibly pick up one at a thrift store on the cheap.

We had been throwing toys into ours willy nilly.

Toy Storage Solution

I picked up a bunch of storage containers at the Dollar Store and got to work sorting our toys into categories to containerize them.

Sort, Purge, Categorize, Stack

Each bin holds a different category of toy. Play Doh, Play Food, Barbie Dolls, Action Figures, Umizoomie etc.

Toy Bins

I also used the bottom of an adjacent buffet cabinet to hold some spill over blocks and games. Both pieces of toy storage furniture are in our DINING ROOM! When all toys are put away, dinner guests will never suspect there is anything other than fine china in there.

Toy Organizing

Toy organization is a constant battle. Every weekend I dump bins and re-sort. This gives me an opportunity to purge broken toys or donate ones that are no longer age appropriate.

Typically the kids are entertained with my weekly ritual of toy sorting. They think I’m pulling out old toys just for their enjoyment. Never the wiser that some are being tossed into a special bag for donation. Toy organization is a part of our family rhythm now. But like all things. It takes time and attention, or else it falls to the way side.



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